

ڇا آهن?

Middle sealing bags, also known as back sealing bags, are a specialized type of packaging in the industry. As the name suggests, these bags feature edges that are sealed on the back of the bag. This type of packaging is widely used for various products such as candy, bagged instant noodles, and bagged dairy products. پوئتي سيلنگ ڊزائن نه صرف هڪ فنڪشنل پيڪنگنگ حل جي طور تي ڪم ڪري ٿو پر پيداوار جي جمالياتي اپيل کي وڌائي ٿو.


يودو جو ڪسٽم وچين سيلنگ بيگز ڇو چونڊيو آهي؟

1. اعلي معيار واري مواد


آخري تي

In conclusion, Yudu's custom middle sealing bags are designed to meet your unique packaging requirements. With high-quality materials, design flexibility, enhanced durability, customizable sizes and shapes, and efficient production and timely delivery, we are confident that our bags will exceed your expectations. اسان جي ڪسٽم وچين سيلنگ بيگز بابت وڌيڪ سکڻ يا آرڊر ڏيڻ لاء، اسان جي ويب سائيٽ تي وڃوhttps://www.yudupackaging.com/cbstc010@sina.com or cbstc012@gmail.com

پوسٽ جو وقت: 21 فيبروري-2025